I had a MACI transplant and Tibial Tubercule Osteotomy on August 8th, 2024 and on August 21st I started college. The estimated time on crutches was 8 to 10 weeks and I ended up being on crutches for over 12 weeks. By the second week of college, trying to get from class to class was killing me on crutches, that is when I found freedom leg. I decided to take the chance, and I'm glad I did. It came within the week, and I was using it within days. I still used one crutches, just because it made me feel the most sturdy, but the leg itself made my next 6 or so weeks much more enjoyable. I could keep it on all day with no problems and I was also able to carry things and be somewhat self sufficient. I 100% recommend getting the freedom leg as it was an absolute life safer!!!
After having rotator cuff surgery and bicep repair, and then needing a meniscus root repair, crutches were literally killing me. The Freedom Leg brace, gave me relief of the pain caused by the crutches and allow me to move about taking care of myself and able to help with tasks of everyday household chores. It was the best and only decision I could make to survive this last surgery. Strangely, my physical therapist said no, but my orthopedic surgeon said yes, that it did meet the non-weightbearing requirement.
After recovering I highly recommend. An update to my previous review.
I wrote a previous review that was only a qualified endorsement. After fully recovering from my Achilles tendon break I want to update my assessment.
I am very grateful to have had the Freedom Leg. It essentially allowed me to live without great difficulty. It DID take a bit of effort to master, but was WAY better than the alternative. I eventually was able to walk on uneven ground at a decent pace, without cane. in short, it gave me my life back. I invite you to read my previous post, which I am impressed that the Freedom Leg people did not suppress. It documents how there was an initial difficulty but it was well worth the effort to master the "Leg". I recommended it to my orthopedic clinic.
Quick and concise review. The freedom leg was a bit difficult to fit properly. Once I figured it out the first couple days were difficult then it clicked and now moving around is so much better. I can go up and down stairs. Carry my 5 year old boy.(which is the primary reason I wanted to try this) thank you to who ever designed this product. You would see my tears if I could post a video. The freedom leg is worth it, give it a couple days and you won't regret it!
Love the ability to get around with free use of both hands. Able to prepare and serve meals that would be an impossibility with crutches. Able to use the stairs without hopping and trying to carry crutches. One issue I struggle with is trying to get my braced leg short enough that my hips are level with the foot clear of the floor. I’ve tried different length adjustments, but feel I need a shoe with added lift to properly level the hips.